Weight Loss as a Cure: Heal with Food, not Medication
Hello, dear reader!
I assume you are here because you can identify with some of the problems I’ve dealt with, and which I have resolved through weight loss.
Let me briefly describe some of these problems.
This is me in 2014, at 240 pounds, with a 44-inch waist, high blood pressure, and diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes:

Not pretty, I know. But more importantly, it felt like a path of inevitable decline.
If you’re dealing with similar problems and are seeking help, I believe you can benefit greatly from my experience. As of today, I am 75 pounds lighter, with an 8 inch thinner waist. I am off medications, and my blood pressure and blood sugar levels are in the healthy range.
Here I am in 2016:

By no means have I done something that can’t be replicated by others. See that pretty gal over my shoulder in the first image? (Yes, she is married to me, though looking at that photo, you might find it difficult to believe). Using the methods I did, she lost over 40 pounds over the same span of time.
How have we done this? By eating the right way. That’s all. By eating the right (and delicious!) foods at the right time. You’ll find the details on everything that’s involved in Weight Loss Method and in my new book.
This website is devoted to exploring all the things that will be helpful in this journey: weight loss, whole foods, fermented foods, getting and staying healthy, and living without medication. Let’s exchange recipes, tips and tricks. I want to share my experiences and help as much as I can, and I am equally interested to hear about your findings, successes, and obstacles. Let’s continue this journey together.
Vadym Graifer

Just in case you are curious, here are three things to know about me.
- I was born in Ukraine and immigrated to Canada in 1996
- At the age of 35 I spoke no English (unless you consider Hi, Bye, Thank you and Please to be a command of a language worth noting)
- Reinvention of myself seems to be my main specialty: competitive chess player, construction engineer, entrepreneur, stock market trader, author of a few books and a public speaker, photographer – and now you are witnessing my next incarnation on this website
Bonus fact: I consider bacon an essential nutrient.