After-Holiday Weight Loss Experiment

Ever wanted someone to stage an experiment for you and find out how to shed unwanted holiday pounds while not being miserably hungry and spending hours in a gym? Well, despair not. I am your guy.

I planned this experiment from November of 2017, tweaking its idea and design throughout the whole December. There are several concepts converging in it and several questions I wanted answered. The concepts in no particular order:

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Light in your eyes and your internal clock

For a while now I am experimenting with modification of the light around me. I am sure you are aware of the dangers of blue light, so I will limit the theory part to a very brief remark and refer you to the relevant sources for more. Mostly I want to report on practicalities of what I’ve done and the outcomes.


The whole underlying premises is this. Our body is regulated by the internal clock that sets the hormonal rhythm. The orchestra of cortisol, melatonin, and many others determines how we sleep, how zillion of processes in our body work and, ultimately, how healthy we are. When the conductor is drunk, orchestra is out of tune, and that’s when the problems start.

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Navigating your way through nutrition wars

Imagine that you observe a conversation between a few knowledgeable folks discussing their views on hot nutrition topics. They are professionally involved in these matters; they are researchers, clinicians, doctors, professors, influential bloggers, published authors etc. You start reading their exchange in hope to pick up nuggets of wisdom to apply to your own situation. Things start out cordially, and you look forward to gaining valuable insights.

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