Healing by Rebellion

Nutrition Advance has published my article “Healing by Rebellion.” It illustrates the challenges you are likely to encounter seeking the remedy for the obesity and diabetes. Please give it a read!

Is type 2 diabetes reversible? For one man, the answer is yes. In his own words, here’s the story of how Vadym Graifer freed himself from diabetes by tearing up the rulebook.

Picture of a diabetes meter - is type 2 diabetes reversible?During my teenage binge-reading phase, I stumbled onto a slogan that left a strong imprint on an impressionable young mind:

Don’t swim with the current.

Don’t swim against the current.

Swim to where you need to be.

It sounded attractively rebellious, mature and self-reliant. I loved it. For a good reason too, as it turned out 40 years later.

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Bone Broth – Universal Healthy Comfort Food in a Slow Cooker

If you follow modern foodie trends, you are likely to be aware of what some consider “new fad” – bone broth. In my view, they couldn’t be farther from the truth. New? Fad? Come on, this is one of the most traditional dishes that grandmas all over the world made for kids that happened to catch the flu or cold. Warm, rich, ultimate comfort food, irreplaceable for the days when it’s cold and snowy outside – and, as many authoritative in the nutrition field sites claim, offering enormous health benefits. 

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Can You Fast?

Whenever I discuss my weight loss approach with interested folks, there is that dreadful moment that comes after we go over sugar/starch replacements and fermented foods. These two topics are usually received with curiosity and enthusiasm. Then we touch on the topic of intermittent fasting, and almost invariably doubt and anxiety appear. “Fasting? Isn’t it too radical? Can I fast?” 

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Three Hot Drinks to Keep Blood Sugar Down

Keeping one’s blood sugar level steady is imperative not only for diabetics but for the folks with a healthy metabolism as well. Stable blood sugar protects against excessive insulin spikes, the consequences of which we discussed earlier. Here are three hot drinks that can help stabilize blood glucose. They also are very helpful on fasting days as they help curb hunger.

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Is Your Snack Plotting to Kill You?

Sad to say, but it probably is. Worse yet, it’s doing so while pretending to be your friend – the one you miss, wait for impatiently, and embrace when finally get to see. How treacherous. If you feel betrayed, you should – and not only by the snack, but first and foremost by a misleading nutritional advice

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How we get thin

“We discussed earlier how we get fat, and how to lose weight. One more post on the mechanics of weight loss can’t hurt, can it? This time let’s deal with the standard advice: “Eat less, move more.”

Great advice… one problem with it, though – it doesn’t work. Attempt to follow it produces a short-lived result, followed by a dreaded plateau and a bounce – and that bounce often takes a dieter all the way back and then some. If it sounds familiar, it should; an overwhelming majority of people trying this approach experience just that. Here is why.

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The Joy of Fasting

Seriously? JOY? Doesn’t fasting involve hunger, ergo suffering? Nope. It doesn’t. Or at least, it doesn’t have to – if you do it right. If you are tempted to joke that the only joy in that is the moment you break your fast, go ahead, have your fun. I’ll join you in just a minute. Rest assured, I am far from subjecting myself to any kind of suffering. I am a strong believer in a motto “No pain? Good!”

So, how can fasting be enjoyable? In quite a few ways.

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