Is Your Snack Plotting to Kill You?

Sad to say, but it probably is. Worse yet, it’s doing so while pretending to be your friend – the one you miss, wait for impatiently, and embrace when finally get to see. How treacherous. If you feel betrayed, you should – and not only by the snack, but first and foremost by a misleading nutritional advice

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The Best App for Walking

Have you ever found yourself trying many apps, each promising to do what you want them to, only to find that they do no such thing?

It can be frustrating. Luckily, it’s easy to install and uninstall them, but it gets old quickly when you do it time and time again.

Walking is an important part of our routine. We try to include 3 to 10 km (~ 2 to 6 miles) a day as a permanent part of our physical activity.

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Food as the Best Medicine

Pop quiz: which of the following do you agree with?

  1. You can lose weight while eating delicious foods
  2. You can improve your health by eating well
  3. To lose weight and stay healthy you must deprive yourself of tasty foods

If you agree with the first two statements, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s exchange ideas, findings, news, and recipes.

If you agree with the third statement, you’ve come to the right place. Give me a chance to change your mind about that notion.

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