Healthy Wheat-Free Crispy Crackers

You can find many variations of these crackers on the internet, as folks adapt it to their tastes. As far as low-carb eating goes, this is a pure beauty. They are:

  • sugar-, wheat-, grain-, and gluten-free;
  • rich in fiber, fat, and protein;
  • lend itself perfectly to spread your butter on;
  • fit in Paleo, Keto, and LCHF;
  • crispy and chewy at the same time;
  • very simple to make, as they require no specific appliances.

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Bone Broth – Universal Healthy Comfort Food in a Slow Cooker

If you follow modern foodie trends, you are likely to be aware of what some consider “new fad” – bone broth. In my view, they couldn’t be farther from the truth. New? Fad? Come on, this is one of the most traditional dishes that grandmas all over the world made for kids that happened to catch the flu or cold. Warm, rich, ultimate comfort food, irreplaceable for the days when it’s cold and snowy outside – and, as many authoritative in the nutrition field sites claim, offering enormous health benefits. 

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Two Fiber-Rich Recipes

As you may or may not know, in regards to weight loss for the last two months I am in a maintenance mode, as described in detail in the last chapters of The Time Machine Diet. Aside from occasional fasting days, mostly I eat by (not too strict) LCHF – Low Carb High Fat regimen. Generally, it’s a good idea not to let your body settle into a routine, and keep it guessing so to speak, by periodic changing the ways you eat.

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Can You Fast?

Whenever I discuss my weight loss approach with interested folks, there is that dreadful moment that comes after we go over sugar/starch replacements and fermented foods. These two topics are usually received with curiosity and enthusiasm. Then we touch on the topic of intermittent fasting, and almost invariably doubt and anxiety appear. “Fasting? Isn’t it too radical? Can I fast?” 

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Three Hot Drinks to Keep Blood Sugar Down

Keeping one’s blood sugar level steady is imperative not only for diabetics but for the folks with a healthy metabolism as well. Stable blood sugar protects against excessive insulin spikes, the consequences of which we discussed earlier. Here are three hot drinks that can help stabilize blood glucose. They also are very helpful on fasting days as they help curb hunger.

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Food Guide and You

Sometimes things that happen “up there” remain, at least for a time, largely abstract for most of us. Sometimes they are of immediate concern for us, as they touch on something significant, with which we deal on daily basis. And what can fit that description better than food?

In December of 2016, a group of almost 200 Canadian Physicians and Allied Health Care providers sent an open letter to Health Canada, urging to rework the dietary guidelines. The letter suggests making an emphasis on real food, on actual scientific evidence and, well, common sense. To illustrate just how far from common sense current recommendations are, let me quote from the letter:

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Is Your Snack Plotting to Kill You?

Sad to say, but it probably is. Worse yet, it’s doing so while pretending to be your friend – the one you miss, wait for impatiently, and embrace when finally get to see. How treacherous. If you feel betrayed, you should – and not only by the snack, but first and foremost by a misleading nutritional advice

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